

Chinese language

4 stars (17 reviews)

《三体》是刘慈欣创作的长篇科幻小说系列,由《三体》《三体2:黑暗森林》《三体3:死神永生》组成,第一部于2006年5月起在《科幻世界》杂志上连载,第二部于2008年5月首次出版,第三部则于2010年11月出版。 作品讲述了地球人类文明和三体文明的信息交流、生死搏杀及两个文明在宇宙中的兴衰历程。《三体》的文本叙事在“后人类”的思考上有着重大突破,构建了科学与文学的互动范式,将道德内涵引入对科技的辩证思考中,并以文学手段在文化语境中对科技进行大胆假设和重构,但科技核心只是一个叙事跳板,是完成现实超越的重要媒介,也是人类命运共同体书写的重要工具。《三体》最吸引人的地方在于通过对人类中心主义的解构,继而完成对人与自然、动物之间的伦理反思与文学表达,最终指向去人类中心化的思想内核。

19 editions

Review of 'Three-Body Problem' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars


The three-body problem in physics states that although it is trivial to model the path of two bodies (e.g. binary stars) revolving around each other, it is currently impossible to create a model that can accurately predict the future positions of three bodies around each other, as minute instabilities add up over time to create a chaotic system. This book postulates that the nearest star to the earth, Alpha Centauri, as a ternary star system, is such a chaotic system; despite its unpredictability, a race of sentient species have evolved to sentience on an immensely inhospitable planet. When they learn of the existence of Earth, and realize it is in a stable solar system with a relatively mild climate, what would such a civilization do?

The book reminds me of Carl Sagan's "Contact" (well, the movie; I haven't read the book) but goes beyond the touchy-feely aspects of …

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5 stars


  • alien invasion
  • first contact
  • Cultural Revolution
  • three-body problem
  • scientific progress
  • artificial intelligence
  • ecological collapse